Archive for the ‘Lawn Maintenance’ Category

Phoenix Area Sod Lawns being taken over by Spurge

Wednesday, November 2nd, 2011

Sod in Arizona is fighting spurge

Over the summer many lawns in the Phoenix area can develop weeds, particularly Spurge. You might recognize this weed as close to the ground, dark in color with some forms having hairy or purple-red spotted leaves and red stems. Spurge can grow in a circular shape and create a dense mat of weeds (see image to the right). As you prepare your winter lawn we want to help you get rid of these pesky weeds.

Spurge is the most common turfgrass weed in the US, and Arizona in particular due to the heat. Spurge primarily grows in the summer, but it can grow well into the fall. It is easy for this weed to grow in Arizona sod in the fall since the weather remains warm here.

Your first reaction to kill this weed would be to spray it, but we advise against doing so. If you are planning to overseed your lawn, applying weed killing chemicals could slow down the growth of your new lawn. We recommend pulling the weed up with your hands, roots and all. This method of removing Spurge weeds is better for your lawn if you are preparing it for overseeding and in general, since it isn’t as harmful to your lawn.

If your lawn in Phoenix did grow Spurge this year we hope that you were able to pull it out before any real damage was done to your winter lawn. If you feel like your lawn is already a total loss you can always order fresh sod from our Arizona sod farm, already overseeded. In any case we want to help you prevent weeds from ruining all of your hard work in maintaining your sod in the Phoenix area, as it can be a struggle given our environment. The best weed prevention is a healthy lawn!

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Arizona Sod: Make Sure Your Sod Isn’t Drinking Too Much Water

Tuesday, April 26th, 2011

Arizona Sod Water Awareness Month April is water awareness month in Arizona, so we want to make sure you’re Arizona sod is getting the right amount of water while not wasting any. We found some tips that are useful and can be used year round.

For the next week you can make a great impact by following some of the water awareness tips found here. Click on each day for the Water Use It Wisely special tips; we know some of the tips aren’t just for your lawn, but in the grand scheme of things we still want you to conserve water for our state.

When it comes to watering your lawn we recommend that you check the Water Use It Wisely watering guide or your local newspaper daily. If you are unable to check it daily, check it weekly to ensure that you are not only over watering your lawn, but that you aren’t wasting any water.

With summer coming right around the corner you can also refer to our irrigation/watering schedule for summer time to make sure you know how much water your Evergreen Turf lawn requires. Make it a goal to adjust your watering schedule and conserve as much water as you can!

TifGrand: A New Sod Variety That Grows In The Shade

Thursday, February 24th, 2011

TifGrand - Available Summer 2011

Evergreen Turf, Arizona’s premier sod producer, is the exclusive licensed seller of TifGrand bermudagrass in the Southwest. TifGrand bermudagrass is brand new to the sod market. One of the most distinctive and beneficial characteristics of the TifGrand variety is it can grow in the shade! Evergreen Turf is currently one of 18 licensed turf providers to sell this amazing new sod variety.

For Arizona residents TifGrand Bermudagrass is an excellent sod choice. Arizona residents who want shade in the heat of the summer no longer have to compromise their beautiful green lawn. If your yard contains shade tree coverage or if your home creates shade coverage over your lawn during the day, TifGrand might be the answer for you.

  • Can flourish in growth in 60-70% shade coverage; is known to continue growth well in up to 90% shade levels.
  • Can grow at the same capacity in full sun.
  • Requires considerably less water and fertilizer.
  • Has a naturally denser and darker green blade.
  • Mole cricket non-preference, which means the pests will eat it, but will eat other grass varieties nearby first.
  • TifGrand was developed by scientists Dr. Wayne Hanna and Dr. Kris Braman and the University of Georgia’s turfgrass breeding program.

Evergreen Turf is also a proud provider of TifEagle, another sod variety to come from Dr. Hanna out of the Georgia program.

Arizona was a testing location throughout the development process of TifGrand bermudagrass and Evergreen Turf is confident this new sod variety will be a great choice for Arizona residents. Not only is TifGrand great for Arizona homeowners, but it is also a great sod variety for golf courses, athletics fields, and stadiums.

Anywhere where turf grows and shade is present, make the change to TifGrand bermudagrass.

*Please note that all TifGrand cannot tolerate 100% shade. It will still require 4 hours or more of sunlight per day in order to thrive.

Evergreen Turf: Exclusive Arizona sod supplier of MiniVerde bermudagrass

Friday, July 16th, 2010


Evergreen Turf, your Arizona sod producer, is proud to be the premier supplier of MiniVerde Ultradwarf Bermudagrass in Arizona and California. MiniVerde Bermudagrass was designed specifically for high-stress golf course greens and has received praise from golf course superintendents and golfers alike.


Evergreen Turf installs new carpet of Arizona sod at UofA soccer stadium

Friday, July 9th, 2010


The 2010 FIFA World Cup culminates this weekend in South Africa. And as the World’s premier soccer stars lace up their boots for their final 90 minute battle, Evergreen Turf has set the stage for some great soccer matches to take place right here in Arizona.


Overwatering Can Lead to Insect Infestations

Monday, June 7th, 2010

According to University of Arizona (UA) researchers, mosquitoes can breed in a pool of water as small as a paper cup.

In order to avoid an infestation of mosquitoes or other insects on and around your property this summer, make sure not to over-water your lawn.


Lower water usage and keep your sod “Evergreen”

Friday, June 4th, 2010

Now that spring is here and the heat of summer is just around the corner, it’s time to start watering your Evergreen sod lawn again to keep it growing lush and green throughout the hottest and driest months of the year.


Spring Lawn and Sod Care

Thursday, June 3rd, 2010

Spring has officially arrived, which means it’s time to start preparing for new landscaping projects and seasonal lawn maintenance. Every year, lawns, no matter how big or small, go through similar seeding and fertilization cycles and spring is the time when grass starts growing again. If you want to ensure a healthy lawn, take note of these tips.


Spring brings baseball and sod back to life in Arizona

Friday, March 26th, 2010

The arrival of spring in Arizona has brought with it the activity and excitement of Major League Baseball’s spring training, as well as the re-emergence of lush, green lawns.


Landscaping with your Hardscapes

Thursday, May 28th, 2009

What is a hardscape? A hardscape is anything in your back or front yard that is not a plant. Built-in planters, boulders, fire pits and swimming pools are all examples of hardscapes. These features of your Arizona sod lawn can help you to define your outdoor space for maximum use. (more…)