Arizona Sod: Make Sure Your Sod Isn’t Drinking Too Much Water
Tuesday, April 26th, 2011 April is water awareness month in Arizona, so we want to make sure you’re Arizona sod is getting the right amount of water while not wasting any. We found some tips that are useful and can be used year round.
For the next week you can make a great impact by following some of the water awareness tips found here. Click on each day for the Water Use It Wisely special tips; we know some of the tips aren’t just for your lawn, but in the grand scheme of things we still want you to conserve water for our state.
When it comes to watering your lawn we recommend that you check the Water Use It Wisely watering guide or your local newspaper daily. If you are unable to check it daily, check it weekly to ensure that you are not only over watering your lawn, but that you aren’t wasting any water.
With summer coming right around the corner you can also refer to our irrigation/watering schedule for summer time to make sure you know how much water your Evergreen Turf lawn requires. Make it a goal to adjust your watering schedule and conserve as much water as you can!